Coming to Oz

Recently I got an invite to a roundtable seminar with Pete Ward – author of Liquid Church – a book that has been doing the rounds of Emerging Churchers.

I am hoping to get over to the Gold Coast in March to chew things around and try and hear where Pete is coming from in his book. I haven’t read it yet, but I’ve read enough commentary and review to know that we have some similar thoughts as well as probably a few different ones!

I can’t seem to find any here in Perth, but Justin Baeder

has kindly bought me one and is sending it over! He actually said he’d buy one for anyone who emailed him!…

Yesterday my new job (which I haven’t started yet) gave me time off to go – which is very cool. Now I just need to scrape together $350.00 for the conference fee and I’ll be there. Frequent flyers will take care of the flights!

I’ve discovered that I am a real lover of learning and I can always find the money for a good conference! Hopefully I am not just a conference junkie though. Its tragic to see people always learning but never doing.

I remember Steve Clarke saying once that ‘we are educated beyond our intelligence’… I never did get what he meant!

(By the way… I was kidding about Justin buying anyone a copy of Liquid Church!)

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