Last night we had a great team meeting.
Alan Hirsch is over for a few days to speak at our first Forge intensive and is staying at our place. I asked him to share his thoughts on what he calls ‘communitas’, (not sure if its his term or not) essentially the idea of a community being those who share a common mission.
We discussed whether a community can continue to exist and develop without some sense of mission beyond itself (would seem not) and we spoke of what our common mission is.
It was a valuable and inspiring discussion.
We also had a time for sharing stories – ‘what’s God up to?’ kind of stories. It was really encouraging. If you’re on our prayer team then you’d know what I’m talking about.
I raised the issue of ‘corporate worship’ and our need to develop what this looks like – not just for us – but in this community – among these people. We can sing to our hearts content, but is that the expression of worship that will best connect with local people? Probably not – so we will need to have a good look at how we worship together.
I’m not saying we need to spend lots of time trying to develop funky worship stuff – but I am saying that we need to think like missionaries and ask ‘what will worship look like here my girl 2 download ?’ There is a lot of very creative and imaginative stuff going on around the world in the alt. worship scene, but my vibe is that our locals are not very ‘alty’, nor are they very conservative…
So what are they?… That is the question! We have some people who will run with this and explore it as missionaries and I am looking forward to seeing what they come up with!
I sense it will be very earthy and aussie in its vibe…