
The beauty of blogging is that you get to connect with a bunch of people from all over the world who otherwise you would never meet. I am always amazed at how many people I bump into who tell me ‘I read your blog’. (Hi Kylie, you lurker 🙂 )

Recently Samuel Linde

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from Sweden was travelling thru the land of Oz with his wife and we set up a time to meet. Samuel is a graphic designer and is starting a church plant back in Sweden. He wanted to catch up and discuss the whole notion of incarnational mission and different modes of church planting. It was great to spend the time with Samuel and he has kindly linked to me on his blog.

The only problem is – I can’t read Swedish…

So – I went to Google – as you do when you need any kind of techy help and found a ‘Swedish to English’ translation site. According to the site here’s what Samuel wrote about me:

Andrew Hamilton hade jag förmånen att få sitta ner och dricka kaffe med när vi besökte Perth på vår jorden-runt-resa tidigare i vår. Han bloggar utifrån sina erfarenheter av ett missionellt arbete i Brighton, en förort till Perth. Hamo, som Andrew kallas, praktiserar de principer som jag skrev om i mitt förra inlägg, och har hjälpt mig att komma till en större förståelse för vad det handlar om att leva ett inkarnationellt kristet liv. Hans tankar och erfarenheter är en resurs att dra från.

And the English translation is…

Andrew Hamilton had self benefit that poll sits down and drink coffee with when wes attend Perth on ours earth – about – travel olds in ours. He bloggar utifrÃ¥n sina experiences of one missionellt job in Brighton , a suburb to Perth. Hamo , as Second call , practises they principles as self groin of today midst precedence contribution , and had helped me that come by a major appreciation for what the am acting if that breathe one incarnation Christian life. His mind and experiences is a resource that draw from.

So much better hey?

I am wondering though… what’s that bit about my ‘self groin’?…

Anyway, it was great to meet you Samuel and hear your dreams for a missional community in your own backyard.

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