Daz Cronshaw of Forge Vic has just produced an excellent book that looks at different metaphors for mission here in Oz. It is entitled Credible Witness and is available thru UNOH.
In it Daz looks at mission as:
– spiritual companionship for the journey
– chaplaincy for the convicts
– shepherding for the settlers
– advocates for the marginalised
– servants for the needy
– hosts for a multicultural community
I am almost finished it after getting stuck into it on the flight on the way home. There is a fair bit of Oz history and culture right throughout as well as some of Daz’s own story. I love the title which is a wonderful way of describing effective mission in an Oz context. If we need anything then we need credibility as we witness to who Jesus is.
I also discovered our own story in there at the start of a chapter.
So here’s your challenge…
Can you guess which chapter from the list above best describes our mission in Brighton?