Don’t Mention the War! God Botherers & Politics

Ok, I tuned into the Eastern States version of the political broadcast to God botherers and here are my notes. I have to say Johnny was pretty smooth, yet at the same time would not have been convincing to the evangelical sector. And he didn’t mention the war… at all. I thought it would have at least been a minor issue. Who was the more appealing?… I think Kevin Rudd seemed more articulate and better able to address the issues – but then he hasn’t had to ‘do it’ yet.

Anyway here are some notes for those who may be interested. The notes are not intended to be fully legible as i scribbled them while the show was in progress – make of them what you will and I acknowledge that there may errors in my interpretation of Johnny’s & Kev’s spiel

John Howard

Howard leads off with Wilberforce as a model of faith – good idea – contemporary and appeals to all.

Our strange ambivalence with Christian faith as a nation

“No influence more profound than Judaeo-Christian ethic” (in 2004 speech)

Atheism in a virulent form in western society and we need to be aware

God neither lib nor labour – God is ‘not on my side’ – does claim a high number of Xns in party

Bringing my beliefs and politics together – two parables:

Good Samaritan – everyone is deserving of dignity and worth – moral obligation to help underdog

Talents – the free enterprise parable – use what you have

We are not a perfect gov but we have:

– lowered unemployment by 29% in 12 mths

– economy strong and positive – important when looking at social justice scorecard because can’t do much without good people and a strong economy”

Deal head on with 2 crits:

– don’t care about the marginalized & poor – vigorously reject – medicare stronger – health ins stronger – tax system progressive – “rich have not got richer at expense of poor getting poorer”

– changes to IR – safety net and fairness test in changes – 365000 more jobs created – fewer strikes than ever since 1913 – debate over role of trade union movement – unions should not enjoy a monopoly on the bargaining process in IR

“I have sought to extend in legitimate fashion the role and influence of the Xn church because I believe it is a profound force for good in the nation.”

Eg. The new schools policy that allows new schools to spring up

Committed to freedom of parental choice in education (spoken as a public school person)

We are not indifferent to God school

I am very proud of ‘new job network agencies’, family rel centres (to inject Anglicare etc as a shock absorber for marriage bust ups), school chaplaincy program

Duty of care society owes to children – intervention in indigenous communities in NT an expression of this. Based on belief of importance of law and order before health, ed, housing etc

The internet – a new initiative – ‘Net Alert’ – a range of practical tools – safety tools – free filter product for each family and public libs – also working with ISPs for protection $189 million to protect family

Present and future issues:

– foreign aid – we need to maintain and adequate amount – we need to see lowered corruption, better gov and trade opps – lower trade barriers better than foreign aid – 3.2 billion dollars in aid – 2.5 bill over 5 years to invest in our own region – double aid budget from 2004 by 2010

– climate change – committed to balanced practical approach to climate change – need to pay attention but without damaging economy – do our fair share but not more – put all energy sources on the table including nuclear – emissions trading system to be intro’d by 2012

This event was a wonderful initiative – we have been more shaped by Christianity than by any other force – these have been influences for the good (not unblemished)

Churches have helped Oz greatly

Thanks to silent toiling members of Christian church of Oz who live out the exhortations of the gospels. Contribution cannot be measure by GDP, but by the social impact.


Philip Wilson (Cath) how does faith shape political leadership and what qualities do leaders need

– love for country

– physical stamina

– 2 parables – the talents = free enterprise – use wisely & invest wisely – also good Samaritan

Had dinner in question time so that’s why I only recorded two 🙂

Carolyn Kitto asked a great qn of the Aus aid budget – will we seek to get it to 0.7% of GDP when it is currently only 3.5% – we will do all we can, but won’t be pushed – need to fix the broken govs in Africa eg Zimbabwe

Jonny gets standing ovation

Kevin Rudd

Significance of Xnity in Oz today – 70% believe in Xn God – 4 million attend monthly – 2 million weekly (really?!)

We are a modern secular democracy and this is a good thing

Advocates separation of church and state

Xnity inseparable from formation of this country

We should be proiud of Xn heritage and tolerant of diversity

Lists denoms and social groups who have shaped Oz eg anglicare, uniting care, lifeline, Salvos – who did he miss? (Camera shifts to Carolyn Kitto – World Vision – not mentioned!)

Mine is a very garden variety personal faith (for 30 years)

Question of personal faith provides a compass point and shapes values and the view I bring to the pubic space (not always successfully)

How does this affect my take on politics? (lots of jokes – winning the corwd over)

Xns and Politics – apart from my friend and family I must be equally resp for my country, humanity and earth – ‘looking beyond yourself’

St Francis ‘in giving you receive’

Questions of policy:

– work and family – how do I find ‘time’ and share it with family when work demands are so ravenous? Parallel challenge = how do I make ends meet? Balancing work and fam – limit to what state can do – laws in workplace have gone too far and impact on quality of fam life – (good critique – what is his response?) the balance is wrong – ‘forward with fairness’ – penalty rates, overtime = working families know they can’t be traded – fairness and balance

– housing affordability – a big problem – summit on housing affordability – ½ billion dollar fund – tax credits for those who would invest in affordable housing – will ‘make it happen’

– education – concerned to invest in – turn this country into most educated in western world – best gov schools and best church schools in western world – key thing is the output – specifics – skills training for the trades – 2 ½ billion for trades training – every 4 year old in play based, pre numeracy education

– climate change – the great moral and envir and econ challenge of the generation – we are custodians – and need to ensure those who come after us are cared for. We see the gov has denied this (non ratification of Kyoto or est of carbon target) would ratify Kyoto – reduce greenhouse by 60% by 2020 – increase renewal energies – our core business

– foreign aid – basic dictum – where is my parish? (John Wesley) the world is my parish – lift aid to 0.5% by 2015 – still pretty pissweak – refugees = most show our heart – we have opposed the Iraq war – must help out –

unifying vision = hard heats and soft hearts

The end…

Also a standing ovation…

14 thoughts on “Don’t Mention the War! God Botherers & Politics

  1. Thanks for the wrap-up Hamo – I would have loved to have gotten out to see it somewhere but with Mrs Grendel out for the night I am minding the chitlins.

    fascinating slightly different focii of each speaker – I’m still at a loss to see why any of that was not interesting to me as a non-christian. . .

  2. I’ve just got home from watching the delayed version with a bunch of others.

    I’m not sure that it changed too many points of view.

    I think Howard knows the right buttons to push and he pushed them. I found it odd that he chose to focus on equality for all and compassion without throwing in the disclaimer that it doesn’t apply to refugees fleeing oppressive regimes.

    I’d agree that Rudd was better able to talk through the issues and I was certainly pleased that he sees that we do have a global responsibility in many areas. Having said that, I’m not sure that most of those who watched with me would think the same. I got the feeling that many have always voted conservatively and were looking for reasons to continue to do so.

  3. I was impressed by both men but I’m still more impressed by Rudd. Howard basically promised more of the same whereas Rudd gave a fresh vision for the future.

    However I don’t believe Rudd will be much different. He’s still economically conservative but will look out for the battlers more than Johnny has.

    It was interesting hearing Howard talk about the Parable of the Good Samaritan. Working with refugees, extremely marginalised people, I’ve seen a distinct lack of compassion towards people so desperate for freedom they’d arrive by any means possible.

  4. Pingback: Ranges Community Church » Howard Vs Rudd

  5. The big difference is that Rudd can make promises of a more idealistic nature because he is untried.

    I don’t think Johnny can get away with promising what he can’t – or won’t deliver. His track record goes before him.

    So while Rudd may appear better – he is yet to be tested!

  6. Rodney, Some Baptists seem to think that voting labor is akin to voting for the Devil…. 🙂

    I wonder if the result is going to be a lot closer than the polls suggest.

    And I think what happens with interest rates in the next few months or so will be the only real issue….forget refugees, war, environment etc…at the end of the day families will vote for who they perceieve to be best for them…and with the huge budget surplus…maybe Howard will pull a rabbit out of the hat…but he wont do it until close to the time people have to vote.

    Rudd does appear to me to agree with Howard on a lot of things, only he’s younger.

  7. The fact that we have enjoyed economic prosperity for the terms of Liberal’s reign means that people are swayed by that. It’s difficult for a government in that position to lose.

    Rudd has to appear stable (unlike Latham and Beazley) and similar to Howard. He admits to being a economic conservative, but is strong on issues of industrial relations, education and climate change.

    I wish issues of social justice would sway people more but as Mark says, most people care about their own financial position.

    But I do believe that climate change and helping alleviate poverty are bigger issues than they have been in the past.

  8. Broady…after the last election, I had more than one of the silver hairs shouting “praise the Lord” after the result. That did not sit well with me at all….and neither would it if people said it if Beazley had gotten in.

    No idea why….we do have some Labor voters in our church too, but interestingly they do not come from a Bapo background…..

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