Having just got back from a Forge National team meeting in Melbourne, I’m off to the southwest with 6 or 7 families from the local community for a camp so things will be a little quieter around here.
Before you go and buy any Easter chocolate you should read Grendels’ post here
mate you are a legend.
For what it’s worth Ali Bergsma, Teresa and I are all fans of Green and Blacks and that’s what Jackson, Chase and Tys and all getting this easter… and hopefully me too! 🙂
Grace and peace,
Thanks Jarrod! The good news that the ethical stuff is getting easier to find – even the big supermarkets are carrying Green and Blacks. I think next year I am going to look for ethical courveture and make our own eggs.
May God’s richest blessings be yours as you reflect on the extent of His love demonstrated through the death His Son on the cross and the awesomeness of His power exhibited through the resurrection.
To God be the glory!
a spiritual oasis
Have a happy and peace filled Easter.
Hi Jarrod,
Just so you know, I’m ALSO a fan of Green’s and Black’s.
Glenn ; )
Hamo – why is it, everytime you come down to the Southwest our weather goes from blue skies, gentle breezes, to overcast and grey? I ponder these things. Next Easter hols could you go North – just to see what will happen?
I think what Mark is saying is look at the blessings that follow in Hamo’s wake. I would enjoy some gray (and rain) around Perth right now 😉