I don’t have super strong ‘love/hate’ feelings about it. I don’t care if you’re into it, or whether you think its a waste of time. (I am ambivalent about its value – it is a double edged sword.) But it is a phenomena that we need to contend with and it does bring a new dynamic to ‘friendship’, whatever that may mean.
Recently I was ‘unfriended’ by someone who lives in the same area. What does that mean when we see each other in the shops or at a party? Are we ‘friends’ still in real life, even if not in Facebook?
I dunno… Maybe I’ll just ‘poke’ him…
Then there’s the question of establishing parameters for who we ‘friend’ on Facebook. I had a cull recently and deleted about 90 ‘friends’, mostly people I had never met in real life but had found in the online world – people who read this blog or who are friends of friends… Some of them I had already ‘hidden’ but it seemed a little more honest to just delete them. I didn’t tell them…
Should I have?…
I was looking at the list again today and thinking to myself ‘I don’t have 800+ friends!’ I really don’t, but I do ‘know’ that many people and some of them I would like to stay in touch with at least from a distance.
I enjoyed hanging with Andrew Dowsett while he and the family were in Perth. We haven’t seen each other for 9 or 10 years but I’d consider Andrew a friend and someone I’d like to stay connect with. Then there are people who live nearby but who I don’t really know. Nor do I want to stay in contact… Should I hit delete?… ‘Unfriending’ sounds kinda rude… but maybe I don’t want to hear about their life and vice versa.
So what criteria do we use for connecting or ‘de-connecting’?
I have decided that ‘connections’ is a better word than ‘friends’ for the way I operate on Facebook. I do have some very close friends on there, but many are people I just like staying connected with – and with whom I wouldn’t stay in touch were it not for this medium. I think that’s a good thing. Old school students who aren’t friends but for whom I have affection, folks who were in the churches we have led, folks we have met when travelling… Some are ‘friends’, real friends who I’d like to see again and who I enjoy hearing from. Then there are others.
The people I avoid on Facebook are:
Friend Collectors – if a request comes in from someone I don’t know I check to see who our mutual friends are. Often its the ‘big name’ people in Christian world. Then I notice the person has 2453 friends… and I realise I am a number to be added to their collection. Unlikely…
Attention Seekers – those who post those cryptic messages signalling the end of their lives hoping someone will respond. I want to respond with ‘loser – grow up’. A bit harsh I know… but this one really irks me. I recall one ‘friend’ posting about being ‘totally devastated’ and I read the comments to find out what on earth had happened. She had put the colours in with the whites… Deleted.
Rampant narcissists and self promoters – Facebook really does lend itself to narcissism and I reckon we can all fall into this one, but then there are folks who just seem to flaunt who they are in a way that is utterly nauseating. Hard when its people you like… But I’m growing weary of hearing people talk themselves up and talk up who they are associated with. I love hearing what people are doing and I don’t begrudge anyone the opportunity to let us know what’s going on, but there is a ‘cringe’ line somewhere that gets crossed.
But ‘friends’ is a strange word. Its better than ‘followers’ ala Twitter, but maybe Google ‘circles’ is a little more like real life.
All this started when I was looking back over my ‘friend list’ and wondering where to start the cull. Maybe I’l just leave it for now because life is often not as simple as ‘friend / non-friend / ex-friend’ and that’s ok…
Hey Andrew,
You could begin by posting one of those annoying blackmail posts…the ones that begin..”I’m asking my friends to post this status update for one hour…I know most of you won’t ….but real friends will “…….that would certainly eliminate me and I’m sure many others from the list immediately:)