I find myself drawn to the less conventional heroes of the faith.
Larry Norman was one of those, and recently a documentary was released that looked at Larry’s life and ministry. He was no perfect man (which of us are) but he influenced many people with his raw confronting lyrics and his challenging style. He was a breath of fresh air when the church was a very stuffy place.
You can buy Fallen Angel here.
This is produced by the director of Frisbee, the powerful and amazing story of Lonnie Frisbee, one of the worlds great evangelists and broken men. I watched this a while back and was loved it.
If you missed my review it is here
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. Essentially Lonnie is used by God to lead many people to faith. He is seen as a radical and dynamic evangelist and he was right at the centre of the Jesus movement of the 60’s. Only when Lonnie wasn’t leading people to faith and filling Calvary Chapel in California he was engaged in gay activities with other men.
In a world that still frowns darkly at homosexuality Lonnie Frisbee is a potent reminder that God will do what he wants to do, and sometimes thru the least likely people!
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You remind us that there are saints among us wearing all manner of garb. Some become so luminous they shine right through their image.