I picked this up from Phil’s blog
For the unfamiliar a flashmob is a group of people who show up in a specific place at a specific time and do something together. They usually have no previous connection and are contacted via SMS. The results are often hilarious. Watch and enjoy!
Here are a few others to brighten your day…
“No Pants Monday”
A bit of Chaser-esque ‘If Life Were a Musical’ food hall fun
Downtown Pillow Fight
Chase a Stranger!
Thanks so much for the smile!
that was great
This stuff is great. Makes me want to join in.
Hamo – perhaps this could form the basis for a new model of emerging church.
You could have 200 people converging in the mall, sharing communion and then departing in under 30 seconds, leaving leaflets explaining the event to the bewildered.
Grendel that is a really great! idea anyone in Adelaide interested in giving it a go?
The communion suggestions is excellant!