I am sooo very tired of reading many inaccurate critiques of this beast that is labelled ‘the emerging church’. And while its a tag that I don’t much care for (because of the associated vagaries) it is also a label that I find myself sitting under for better or worse.
So for those who feel the need to continue writing their critiques let me offer some guidelines:
1) Your critique is welcomed
. I know I am always happy to learn and I would not claim to be the final authority on issues of theology, missiology or ecclesiology. A well thought out and well researched critique will actually help those of us who see it as our calling to live as missionaries in this world to fulfill our calling more effectively. Some have done a great job of this. Thank you.
2) Make sure your research is expansive and accurate or your conclusions are gracious and provisional. With all due respect to my American friends, it seems that every critique I have read of the EC only addresses the USA scene and it does feel rather narrow in perspective. I would suggest that the shape the EC takes in the UK, NZ , Canada and Australia (to name just a few places) is as varied as the shape the mainstream conservative church takes. If you refer only to Dan Kimball, Doug Pagitt and Brian McClaren and then make some strong and vitriolic assertions, don’t be surprised if some of us wonder about the credibility of your research and treat it with disdain.
3) Remember Brian McClaren is not our spokesperson – but he is a person. I have never met Brian but I feel for the poor bloke. He is probably the most quoted of all so called EC leaders and yet I would not regard Brian as either my leader or as my spokesperson. For that matter there would be no American who I would feel could accurately speak for me or for the bulk of my Oz mates in similar situations. But please remember that Brian is a human being like the rest of us who is simply gracious enough to admit that he doesn’t know everything about everything. (And as Ellie (see the comments) reminds us, Mike Frost and Alan Hirsch do not speak for the rest of the emerging church in Oz)
4) Not everyone is down on propositional truth in fact I don’t think I know too many EC Aussies who would dismiss propositional truth at all. A more humble approach to scripture is not a denial of its truth, simply a recognition that we do not know completely. Please frame this correctly as you misrepresent many of us in this assertion.
5) Please don’t tell me what I believe!. You don’t know me. You probably don’t know 99% of people in EC’s so please don’t assume you know what we believe. I am constantly amazed at some of the stuff I am apparently signed on to! I am unashamedly conservative theologically, but I am willing to ask questions and I am open to other people’s questions. I think this is called ‘learning’.
6) If you write nonsense then don’t get precious if you get taken to task on your critique. Chances are you will get ignored as most people can’t be bothered fighting futile battles, but occasionally you might get shirt-fronted by someone who has had a gutful of spiteful critics. I try to stay away from the uninformed one eyed bloggers and writers but occasionally I will spend a few moments responding to the vitriolic tirades that turn a crank in me. Then I will usually spend the rest of the week wishing I hadn’t…
I’m sure there are more guidelines to add so if you have also been on the receiving end of some of this critique and have a few of your own ideas then add them in the comments.