Driving to granny’s today Sam wants to play hangman. No one wants to play with him. I feel for the poor little bloke so I offer to guess his ‘word’.
S: Ok – go dad!
H: S?
S: Wow – well done!
H: A
S: What? How did you know that!!!?”
H: M
S: Wow!! Wanna try again?
H: Ok… M?
S: What the?! (He is amazed at how smart his dad is…)
H: U
S: What?!
H: M
S: (To Danelle) How does he know these things????!!!!
H: Wanna go again?…
S: Ok this one’s hard. It has 5 letters
H: E
S: No!
S: You’re crazy mate
H: L
S: Aw…
H: I
S: silence
H: E
S: What?! How does he do it mum?!!
Sam if you ever read this the fact that you can only spell 4 words gave me a rather large advantage over you!download deliverance movie chinese kamasutra kamasutra cinese divx download
That is nothing short of beautiful!
Sam just got a great picture of the wondrous nature of God’s omnicience and all-knowing power that he will refer back to for years to come!
There is no God – just a bloke who can spell better than you.
LOL. Can’t wait for my 6-year-old to figure out Hangman!
a word of caution. be prepared for when he sets about exacting his vengeance on you. there will be a day when he will be able to beat you, and all i can say is be prepared. My favourite hangman killer words:
tuck these babies away and you’ll always be the king—just remember the kiwi who gave them to you.
I’m smiling and tucking your final sentence into my pocket to await Sam’s response.
That’s fab.
When my brother and I were wee, we played, “I spy with my little eye” on car journeys. My brother had us stuck for ages with “t f b” which turned out to be “telephone box”.
AnneDroid, no! ‘tfb’ stands for ‘the flying banana’ and is of course a reference to my excellent motorcycle: http://www.theflyingbanana.com 😉
Hamo, that reminds me of the time my brother told one of his girls that he had eyes in the back of his head, and he could see everything the little tyke was up to. “Oh yeah?” she said standing behind him, “what am I doing now then?” My brother took a wild guess: “You’re sticking your tongue out at me.” The poor kid was terrified and ran off screaming and crying to mum…!