He who shoves hardest wins?…

Today I had time to read the discussion taking place at Phil Baker’s blog on the issue of tithing.

Allan Meyer has argued his case in favour of tithing over the last few days and others have responded both agreeing and disagreeing.

You might like to check it out. Its a long read and the arguments get quite intricate in places, but it might help to show where pro-tithe folks derive their theology from.

I don’t really want to get into the debate except to the extent that it impinges on our freedom in Christ. I reckon Paul always found that worth defending.

Personally, I see the issue quite differently to Alan. I’d be ok with that as I obviously see it quite different to a lot of folks, but my concern is that in his tone I actually hear some of the worst of the ‘pro-tithe’ approach, what in places feels a bit like theological coercion of people into giving their money.

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