
Not any more…

Of all the themes you could choose for a cafe who would pick the ‘toilet’?…

These guys… in Taipei


I guess the beauty of this place is that when you’re finished eating you could just pop the lid and push out a big one…


Anyone for chocolate ice cream?…

Makes you wonder, if their restaurant looks like a toilet then what do their toilets look like?…

8 thoughts on “Hungry?

  1. I dunno the owners look flushed with success.

    Perhaps they’ve plumbed new market depths?

    I wonder if they have piped music – it looks like just the place to eat with your brother or cistern. . .

  2. Grendel, you’re pushing it.

    It looks like an interesting place to see. I wonder if they’ll let anyone just pass through?

    Seeing that ice cream reminded me of the documentary “Yes Men”. In one scene, the Yes Men pose as heads of a corporation trying to convince university students on the merits of selling recycled food to the poor.

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