I Did It… They Rang…

Well, after losing my youth pastor coaching job I had a few weeks where I just didn’t have enough work.

I actually got a bit bored (I never get bored) and went as far as re-enlisting to teach. The amount of red tape and nonsense you need to go thru to get back on the books is so humongous that on previous attempts I have just thrown the papers in the bin. I also tend to feel the same way about teaching as I do about drinking my own vomit.

But I did it… I was sooooo bored one day… Sooooo bored I figured I could even find teaching more enjoyable than watching day time television (ok – I wasn’t really doing that!)

Yesterday they told me I am ‘official’. I am now legally allowed to teach kids again. Bloody scary…

Today the phone rang…

‘Are you available to teach a class of year 5s for 4 days at the end of this term?…’ the voice said.

My brain said ‘Bugger off – you’ve got to be kidding!’ But my voice said ‘Sure… I’ll give it a go…’

So in a month’s time I will teach my first ever primary school class. I have done primary phys ed and high school teaching of all sorts, but never proper primary classroom stuff, so it should be interesting…

I am figuring we will fill the day with morning fitness, pre-lunch sport and then after lunch sport…

Hopefully there will be enough work for the kids to get on with because if I have to wing it or make it up in the spot I am going to be well and truly exposed.

Think of the $$$…

Think of the $$$…

14 thoughts on “I Did It… They Rang…

  1. “if I have to wing it or make it up in the spot I am going to be well and truly exposed.”

    I don’t know what the teacher registration process is like over in WA, but I’m pretty sure you can get into a lot of trouble for that.

    Sorry, couldn’t resist.

  2. Hamo!

    This first statement I can relate to… bloody paperwork drives me crazy.

    The amount of red tape and nonsense you need to go thru to get back on the books is so humongous that on previous attempts I have just thrown the papers in the bin.

    But this second statement leaves me scratching my head.

    I also tend to feel the same way about teaching as I do about drinking my own vomit.

    I thought you wanted to impact the world with the gospel. You are the gospel mate… and teaching puts you right at the heart of the world. There is no better place to make an impact on the world. Go preach the gospel and use words if you have to.

    Dude… the door has been swung wide open in front of you. Suck it up and go to it!


  3. Russell – I used to love teaching, but I have lost desire to invest my energies in that direction these days.

    I always said that to be a good teacher (which I was) you need to love teaching and love kids. I don’t particularly love either at the moment – at least not in the school setting. It has changed way too much for my liking and there are many easier ways to make a buck – because for me that is all it is.

    There are also many ways to impact the world with the gospel – teaching being but one.

    For me its a job. Plain and simple – a way to earn $$.

    If the love comes back then that’s wonderful, but in the meantime I have plenty of other ways of connecting in my world and teaching will pay the bills as I do that.

  4. Well done mate. If you want any really local work drop me a line. I know a lot of kids who really need the gospel!! Lots of ops available. Interested in Yr 10 Drama?

  5. Thanks Ash – I have just signed up with Quinns Bap at the moment – a day a week will be heaps if it comes.

    But I do love the rough and tumble of the state school system and the challenges that go with it. My last stint at Scarborough was a hoot!

    Leanne – Heads down thumbs up has saved me many times in primary school – and with year 11’s come to think of it. Nice to hear from you! 🙂

    There is a part of me that relishes the challenges of a new environment and the new challenges that will come with it. Sadly my last year of teaching was one of the least enjoyable I have ever had and has put me off quite badly!

  6. Hamo, i’ll be a little honest here so forgive me if I overstep the mark and let me know:)

    Your attitude towards this actually scares me a bit? Not that I have kids…but I would like to think that anyone who IS teaching my kids, no matter what, is interested in them. Now I know this may well not always be the case…but is that an excuse to go in and be just like that?

    Teaching, in ANY context, should be HIGHLY valued. What you do with these kids truly can effect their life. Please don’t go into it just seeing the $$$ signs! Yes, see it as a way of paying the bills, but remember the responsibilities you are taking on!

    Perhaps the REASON why getting back ‘on the books’ is so hard is because is because the people in charge realise teaching DOES require a certain type of person. It ISNT just about money, it is shaping peoples lives!

    Jesus didn’t pick and choose when he was ‘living the Gospel’ and when he was ‘making the $$$’, when he was around people, he was ministering to them. When it got too much, or he needed a break, he withdrew. I don’t remember a single time recorded but where Jesus went into ANYTHING and didn’t live out the gospel.

    Not suggesting you wouldn’t live out the gospel, I admire your way of life and living at all times (least whenever I see you)…I am just concerned about the tone of your comments. I trust that in taking this decision and following through with it you will consider what sort of teachers you want for your kids…and will try and be that for any kids you have the ABSOLUTE PRIVILEGE of teaching.

    Naive? Perhaps…take it how you will:)

    Your awesome matey!

  7. Hi Middo

    Goodonya mate for your gutsy comment. Knowing you – and you knowing me makes it valuable. I appreciate it.

    I think you can do a good job, but not be passionate about your work. Agree? It seems 90% of people I meet do mundane jobs but do them well because they have nowhere else to go.

    I would never set out to do a bad job, but I also can’t fake enjoyment when it isn’t there.

    I might end up enjoying it and to me that would be a bonus!

    I realise most parents want people to teach their kids who actually give a shit.

    I guess the ‘shit’ I give is that I will do what is required of me and I will do it well.

    But enjoyment might be there… then again…

    Now teaching with Ashley… after spending a year together at bible college back in 1990 I reckon we could have a lot of fun times!

    Year 10 drama though… what about home economics?

  8. you don’t have to enjoy it hehe;) I definately understand that:)

    Just ‘won’t somebody think of the children!’ hehe

    Sure you’ll do a good job then:)

  9. Hamo – I am finishing being a year 5 teacher in 7 days! Email me and I’ll give ya the low down and all my “now you keep busy while I ‘work'” tricks!


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