Its a Goer


hands.JPG This last year I have been chairing the ‘church planters task team’ for Baptist churches here in WA. Its been a fairly unexciting year because we don’t have any new church planters…

However I am convinced that there are people out there who may be willing to explore the whole deal… If we could just find them – unearth them!

Yesterday I put a proposal to our meeting that we run a weekend (all paid for) for those in Baptist churches who may be interested in developing new misional communities. We will be booking a decent resort type place (no campsites!) and running a weekend of inspiration and dialogue for those we manage to unearth.

I am really excited about the possibilities.

Maybe – just maybe we will be able to inspire some younger leaders to leap out from the safety of their career paths and established church environments and explore what it means to be missionaries here in the land of Oz.

Oh yeh baby!! Now I’m having fun!!

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