As a team we are working to develop a biblical and functional leadership structure.
We have split into three teams to explore the NT teachings on this subject. One group is looking at the Gospels, on the Acts and Romans and the other the rest.
We are looking at these questions as we read:
1. What do you see the qualities of or qualifications for leadership in the NT to be?
2. Who are the key leaders in the books you read and what do they actually do?
3. What different leadership structures do you observe in the Christian communities/groups you read about? What conclusions can you draw about leadership/church structure from the NT?
4. What seems to be the non-negotiables of biblical leadership? By that I mean some things are specifically situational, like Jesus choice to lead with 12 apostles, but some things are permanent and must appear in all church communities everywhere. What would you sense are those core elements?
I am convinced that the long term effectiveness of our missional communities is directly linked to the quality of the leadership.
That’s a big call, but I’d say its the single most critical element in shaping and developing a healthy team. Hence I believe if we can get a good handle on it at this point we will begin to steer in the right direction.