Lovin Life

Today was one of those days when I am reminded of how much I enjoy the life I get to live.

It began with breakfast in Leedville with a few other guys who are also exploring the questions of mission and church. We catch up monthly for breakfast and I love hanging with these guys – great diversity of opinion – great interaction and challenge and a lot of laughs. I always leave feeling ‘up’.

Then it was into the city to meet up with an older man who has been working in the area of urban mission for well over 20 years. It ws great to catch up with Garth and hear his own story of pioneering and experimenting. Isn’t it wild how you can live in the same city for so long and not realise that you are ‘riding the same train’ as someone else. I’m hoping we will see a bit more of each other. I reckon there is plenty to be learnt from him.

I hung around in the air con of a cafe to finish my Forge sessions and got a call on my mobile from the USA. A young guy called Glen who has been over there for 8 years is looking to come back and plant an emerging missional church somewhere in Perth. We met a few years back but don’t know each other. He has been involved with the same church as Justin who I now know thru blogging – weird hey?

While I was sitting there talking to Glen, a bloke sat at the table across from me – an old Uni mate – haven’t seen him for 22 years! We used to call him Gorilla because he was such a big bugger and also because he was from a famous/infamous WA sporting family (think George the commentator and gorilla is the surname). He is now a sports commentator at USA football events… That Phys Ed degree came in handy…

With the Forge sessions finished I was able to hop on the train and head home. Along the way I picked up a gift for Danelle – a voucher book with ‘vouchers’ for a ‘free 20 min massage’, a ‘video of her choice’, ‘a romantic night out’ etc etc. I grabbed it, paid for it and then read it more thoroughly. If she takes me up on it all I’ll be flat out!

Nothing on tonight…


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