Morphing Again

The beauty of what we are doing here in Brighton is that it is a constant work in progress – always open to change and re-directing as we see the need.

When we met last night we were discussing how we reshape ourselves again so others can join in more fully if they wish. Earlier this year we experimented with fortnightly open gatherings, but for various reasons they flopped – I think the primary one was that none of our friends were really that interested in being part of any kind of church setting. Fair enough.

In ending those Sunday gatherings we returned to a Monday night gathering weekly for our team members and began a lunch in the local park – a simple community meal. However we are aware that there may be one or two people out there who may be interested in connecting with what we do in a more significant way – who may want to be part of the discipleship processes we engage with as a team.

So its time to morph again.

As of last night we no longer have ‘team only’ meetings on a Monday night. We aren’t changing anything of what we do, but we are saying that if we come across people who are seeking a more significant connection with God and with our community then they are welcome to join us.

We have never made any bones about the fact that we are not at all interested in chasing down people who already attend church and getting them to switch to our gig. Its not that we don’t ‘want them’ as such, but rather we see it as our mission to connect with those who are seeking a connection with God, but are not interested in a typical church setting. We are also unlikely to appeal to many churched folks who want the familiarity of singing, sermons and various programs (and we aren’t about to change to accomodate any of that).

What’s it mean practically?

Actually, not a heap changes. We keep on doing what we are doing and if people want to join us they can. We won’t be advertising, designing a sign or seeking a building. With no public presence we reckon people will only come as they are invited by someone already in the group. This is intentional – to avoid collecting church hoppers.

Assuming that at some point we get too big for a home we will simply multiply and create two groups in different homes.

What happens on a Monday night?

– we share a meal together at 6.30

– we do stuff with the kids between 7.15 and 7.45 and the put them into bed

– we have some kind of worship/prayer activity

– we engage with the Bible and with each other – usually in some form or interactive learning

It aint rocket science.

What we have is a great bunch of people who love each other, enjoy each other’s company and who are committed to becoming more like Jesus in how they live every day.

If you live in Brighton and aren’t currently involved with a Christian community, but would like to be, then you are welcome to get in touch and join with us.

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