Names for Church Plants

Mark Driscoll writes:

One of the toughest parts of planting a church is coming up with a good name. So, in an effort to help young church planters find the perfect name for their church I have composed the simple chart below. It follows the marketing “Rule of Three” which states that for something to be truly memorable it must have three parts. Therefore, all a young church planter needs to do is choose one word from each list to arrive at just the perfect church name. In conclusion, you’re welcome.

I think this is tongue in cheek!…

If not then here are some names that I came up with from Mark’s chart:

Shekinah Outreach Tabernacle

Overcomers Miracle Headquarters

Triumphant Bible Compound

Glory Dominion Centre

Anyway I hope it was funny because it made me grin 🙂

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