Its been a weekend in Hedland living with an Indian family Danelle got to know while in Butler. He is a doctor and she is a beautiful woman who can cook Indian food like you wouldn’t believe…
We have had curry, curry, curry and it has been amazing. For a food lover this house is heaven – and what’s even better is that you aren’t allowed to do the dishes (I tried to make Danelle do them a few times but she wasn’t allowed…)
We just had a bit of biff after we bought them a gift to say thanks for letting us stay here. It turns out that in her culture you only give gifts like that if someone has done something very wrong – its like saying ‘you have offended me and this is the end of our friendship’. Oops… It really hurt and offended her. I tried to explain how we see gifts, but it didn’t get thru until 30 minutes later when she had time to process. Just another little picture of how different out cultures can be…. We’ve been discussing Hinduism and faith and how we are similar and different. Its interesting because my perception of Hinduism from afar is a little different from what was described to me by someone in the thick of it. I guess it might be the same when people talk to us about faith.
Tomorrow we head off to Barn Hill, a very small campsite around 100km south of Broome and right on the beach, where we stay until Friday. You can see the caravans in the red dirt ‘sandhills’ from where its a 200m walk to the beach. We have been told that this is a beautiful place and one of the ‘must sees’ on the journey around. I doubt there will be any net access so this might be the last you hear from me till Friday night when we arrrive in Broome.
We stay in Broome for 2 weekends as I am speaking at the Baptist church during that time, and the church people have graciously given us a house to live in, so we will be out of the camper for 10 days. Yeeha!
Camping has been fun, but there’s no question it is compact and when fatboy wakes up at his regular 6.00am its all over red rover for anyone who was hoping to sleep a little longer. That boy just can’t do anything quietly!
From Broome we don’t have a set plan where we need to be anywhere in particular, so we will wend our way thru the Kimberleys and stop where we stop and as we need to.
We have been trying to operate on what we feel is a pretty frugal weekly budget of:
Fuel $200.00
Food $200.00
Accomodation $200.00
Spending/fun/incidentals $200.00
So far we about on target, but it is tough to stay to it. In this part of the world everything is very expensive so we find ourselves spending more than we would like.
We are trying to stay to budget without letting it constrain us from either enjoying things or being generous.
I reckon we will go close to the mark, but it will be interesting to see how accurate I have been with my estimates.
For those who may be interested in doing a similar venture, we have worked our budget on
Fuel: 22000 km @ 90c/l average for LP @ 3.5km/l = $5700.00 ($217.00/wk) Its a pretty high average price for LPG and a low estimate for fuel economy so hpefully we will do
Accom: $40.00/night for accomodation @ 120 nights of the 176 nights we are away = $4800.00 ($184.00/wk)
Food: $200.00 wk not inc take away
Spending $200.00 wk – includes everything from clothes to car wash to cable ties!
We don’t have a budget for unexpected expenses, but are just hoping we will get thru – and that pigs might fly… american tail fievel goes west an download download mark of cain the dvdrip field of dreams movie download