Here’s the first of 6 simple parts (not exhaustive!) if we are to be effective in mission in the 21st C.
Loving Jesus…
Sounds too simple hey?… But I actually believe this is often at the core of our mission problems. Some of us do mission or evangelism because we know we’re supposed to. Its our ‘duty – our responsibility’ as Christians.
And yet I am convinced that if each of us have a genuine passionate relationship with God then we won’t need to try.
It will flow out of us. We don’t need more evangelism classes – we just need more passionate infectious followers of Jesus living amongst people who don’t know him yet. We don’t become contagious Christians by doing a course… (although that may help us with practical ways of interacting if we are farful of speaking about faith)
You’ve seen the way new Christians can’t contain their joy – that’s what I’m on about. And I realise that sometimes mellows a little with time – but if there isn’t a deep authentic connection with God firing out hearts then I would say don’t bother.
If we aren’t encountering Jesus in our lives in both structured and unstructured ways then I’d suggest we are faking it when it comes to evangelism. We might convince people of a different world view, but we won’t introduce them to Jesus.
Peter said this
2 Pet 1:16 We did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.
When Paul was speaking to the Corinthians he said
2 Cor 5:14 For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died.
If you are motivated by anything other than your own love for Christ and the reality of your experience of him then its time to stop and ask what you are really doing.
Some of us just need to recapture our first love – a heart for God that can’t help but live out the love and the grace he has shown us. And that will be exciting for us and incredibly attractive to people we mix with.
Some of us just need to get this.
So – let me ask you – how’s your own love for Jesus – how’s your own desire for him?
Does that question disturb you? If it does then why?
(I told you its not rocket science! )
For more mundane observations on what makes an effective missionary come back tomorrowdownload firestarter 2 rekindled