On the Other Hand…

Sometimes you just have

to break all the rules… but the story I’m about to tell you will probably evoke some internal convulsions in you because these are rules that we have tried so hard not to break.

What if breaking the rules happens to be the most effective thing to do though?…

I was reading this article in Eternity magazine a week or so ago and it started me thinking.

Steve Addison writes:

I’ve just finished a coaching call with Tim Scheuer. For the last six weeks Tim and his team have been out knocking on doors in Airds, one of Sydney’s most disadvantaged suburbs. Tim asks five simple questions to discover people who are ready to find out more about following Jesus. For most of us that would be hard work, but Tim loves every minute and every encounter with someone who doesn’t know Jesus. Of 45 homes, 42 people wanted to talk more, 11 wanted to join a Christianity Ex-plained group in their neighbourhood, and two wanted to host a group and invite others.

So his plan was simple.

Bang on a door. Be totally upfront about your intention and see what happens. It seems that in this particular community people wanted to talk. And as a result he has been able to develop a whole heap of simple churches in that area.

I can’t help wondering if people in communities near us may want to talk too. Perhaps there are many people around genuinely asking spiritual questions, but they simply don’t have anyone in their orbit who can field those questions?…

Could it be as simple as that?

Now to be honest, I know how I feel when someone bangs on my door and wants to talk to me… They generally don’t get to meet ‘friendly Hamo’. So I am very reluctant to thrust that kind of experience on anyone else.

Its kinda like spam. Unwanted and unsolicited and usually very annoying. But maybe there are people out there who actually like spam?



I don’t think it would be cowardice that would hold me back from heading down the road to talk to people, but rather an internal cringe at the thought of what I’d be doing. I keep wondering ‘what if?’ though. What if we actually connected with some people who we would never meet otherwise?

What if some people encountered some good news and found hope?…

So – yeah – you’d have to accept that in the process you were going to piss a few people off, but maybe (if Tim’s stats are anything to go by) that is less likely in lower socio-economic groups?

I dunno…we have a couple of Perth’s poorest/toughest suburbs right next to us so it would be interesting to give it a whirl.

You could call me Elder Hamo.

Seriously though. What do you think? We have tended to start with demonstrating the kingdom and speaking of it later, but what if we reversed the order?

15 thoughts on “On the Other Hand…

  1. I remember in youth group we went through a series on evangelism and then went out ‘two by two’ to knock on doors in the area to see if people had kids they’d be interested in sending to our Sunday School. I don’t think I met any particularly rude people but neither did I have any conversion discussions, but I know it pushed me beyond what I would normally do. Some people did have meaning conversations though.

  2. Interesting idea. We’ve found that just meeting people in a cafe, shop or whatever over time develops opportunities for relationships and crucial conversations.

    Living in the hills is like living in a village so I guess the opportunities are there more.

    Our kids often say, “How can you go to the bike store, make a friend and invite them home for dinner?” We tell them it’s just what we do.

    We have gatherings at home with a wide spectrum of people from different backgrounds and interests. We like mixing it up a little. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn;t but it’s worth the try.

    I think people do want to talk but the relationship part is the crucial part. Chicken or the egg? How do you get to talk to people?

    Something to think about.

  3. My dad started two churches that way.

    One up your way, which is going well.

    another down at Port Kennedy, which is also going well too.

    He took out ‘Boundaries’ videos, ‘Jesus’ video…whatever and lent them to people.

    It was hard work.

    But he has led more people to know Jesus than anyone I know, and he was NOT supernaturally gifted with evangelism.

    He just worked hard, was used to rejection, and loved people.

    He did not believe in shortcuts, and ever time I think of his legacy, where at his funeral a few hundred people who I never knew, but who he led to God, came along, it challenges the heck out of me.

    At his best moments, he worked like Jesus.

    There was no bulldust with Merve Edwards.

  4. hey, that was an interesting contrast to your earlier link to the article about measuring success in a Church. That previous article I felt strong resistance to, as it was all about what we ‘do’ to measure our success vs whether we boldly proclaim the message of the Gospel – ‘what God has done for us’ through Jesus.

    People will never be able to ‘do it’ well enough – but we can proclaim what Jesus has done for us. Not only that, its through hearing the message that people have faith and are saved. That doesn’t of course exclude the call we have to follow in his steps.

    Anyway, that was a side comment. The thing I wanted to suggest as a thought was – perhaps find a street or shopping centre, put a few chairs down, have a big sign saying “Questionaire 5 questions only!”. And then invite people as they go past. That kind of avoids the spam or getting in peoples face problem, and also enables those who want to talk to show a bit of interest first, by straying near. The chairs mean you have a chance to let the conversation develop after you finish the questionaire. I’ve never done it, so its just a thought.

  5. We did a letter drop 1 week before the door knock explaining that we would be knocking on doors between 10 and 2 next Saturday. If they weren’t interested they could leave the letter by the front door and we wouldn’t bother them. We got a lot of comments from people who appreciated the curtesy.

  6. In one particular poor area where I went doorknocking two years ago, a significant proportion of residents did not even answer the door.

  7. I remember when we started the church here all those uears ago, I used to go dooknocking every Saturday. I wasn’t good at it and hated every moment of it. I don’t think I’m the right bloke to see at your front door.

  8. It seems to me Tim got a sense of what God was up to in his community and followed God into His mission. Clearly he is being fruitful. It is good to be inspired and challenged by the story of others…but the main learning for me is to seek God as to what he is up to in my community and join Him in it. It is too easy to simply copy what others are doing. But what they are doing, if it is fruitful, was probably birthed in hearing from God.

  9. I reckon the key is in the quote…

    “For most of us that would be hard work, but Tim loves every minute and every encounter with someone who doesn’t know Jesus.”

    You’ve got to want to do it. Nothing worse than when someone knocks on your door and you can tell that they really don’t want to be there.

    If door knocking doesn’t excite you then don’t do it, do what you do like to do and use the opportunities you get through that for having faith conversations.

    But, try to remember that some people do get excited by knocking doors and meeting people. Encourage them and help them think through how to do it well.

  10. Ten years ago, after attempting to give the Jesus video door to door, I swore off door knocking for good. I found it awkward, difficult, and I concluded that the privacy demanded by our culture meant that it was inappropriate. Door knocking definitely did not excite me, and I did not feel that I had the gift of evangelism anyway.

    I heard Tim speaking of his ministry, so I spent 4 days with him and the team over three weeks. So captivated by what I saw, three weeks ago I started in my neigbourhood. After 6 hours of door knocking over 3 weeks, 2 people have politely declined, and I have had 20 opportunities to engage in meaningful discussions centred on faith. 6 people went no further than the survey, the rest I have shared the gospel through my own story, and now I need to follow up 2 people to have a bible study with them. Sure, 17 people were not home, but that is not too much time wasted to find the others.

    I have no shame, I will copy anything that is working because it is working. Actually, I am committed to changing nothing until have done it hundreds of times.

    As for the cringe factor, have you seen Penn Jillette’s video on youtube. He is a well known US commedian and atheist (he looks a lot like Meatloaf too!!), but is worthwhile hearing from on this subject http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhG-tkQ_Q2w

    I still cringe everytime I go, but come back on an incredible high from the discussions with people. Before going, I pray and remember the joy it was last time, and that gets me back.

    The big difference today is that I have been trained (I am not specially gifted) to make contact with people in a respectful and polite way, knowing exactly what my aim is, and to respect however the person responds. I have had no arguements, and I have the aim to have no arguements ever.

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