One month makes all the difference

Last month while I was on the SU National Conference I managed to strain my right shoulder while swimming – pretty frustrating because I had been swimming in the ocean daily for three months and was really enjoying it. With my right knee now completely stuffed swimming is about the only decent form of exercise left.

After a month of anti-inflamatories and complete rest I ventured back into the water this morning. 9.00am at Quinns Beach was beautiful… but bloody cold!

The very first thing I noticed was the crack of the ocean across my head like a liquid iceberg. Hello… its definitely not summer any more… The coldness stayed with me for over two minutes making me wonder if swimming over winter (as I hope) is really such a good idea…

But after a brisk 1/2 km with no nasty tendonitis symptoms I hopped out and sat on the beach for another 30 or 40 mins just enjoying being there. Sometimes I think that is why I swim more than for the exercise…

Hopefully I’ll be able to keep swimming but the weather might well have a say in that…

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