There are a few books that really turn a crank in you as you read them they .
For me this is one of them.
Its not rocket science. Its not a weighty theological text or a list of how tos. Its actually a very simple explanation of what church is and why we must keep it simple and do it amongst people rather than separate from them. Its not ‘lightweight’, but it is straightforward.
I love Neil’s focus on getting the church back into the world rather than hiding away in seclusion keeping ourselves safe from the nasties out there.
I get the impression Neil is a classic evangelist. We had dinner with Neil a couple of times while we in Melbourne last month and heard him speak once. He really does care for people who don’t know Jesus – and on that point I think we have some resonance.
The book has been a real encouragement just at this point in my own journey.
As always the challenge to hear what God is saying to US and not just run off with ‘Coleisms’ that actually don’t belong in the northern suburbs of West Oz.
At every turn there are decisions to be made that will either enhance complexity and limit reproducibility or that will retain simplicity and facilitate groups that can multiply. I am not programmed to think simply!