
Can you believe it?…

Today was one of those sensational winter days and it was the perfect opportunity for a surf. Paul rang up and we agreed to hit ‘The Spot’, a left hander in Yanchep.

When we got there it was nippy, but with only 4 guys out and a decent swell it was worth making the effort. Twenty minutes later after catching a wave I was paddling back out and duck dived to avoid some oncoming white water, only to dive straight onto a piece of rock…


I came up dripping blood into the water.

After my leg episode a few weeks back I realised that pain is not always proportional to the amount of damage done and being my face I obviously couldn’t see what I had done. I paddled back out, thinking maybe I’d just keep going. Why waste an uncrowded surf?

A passing surfer stopped and had a look and suggested I better head in, Paul came and had a look and we decided to call it a day.

I came home, frightened my wife and kids had a shower, took the mandatory photos and then followed another trip to the Dr…

No stitches this time – just those ‘steri-strip’ things to hold it all together. I’d taken a divot out of my nose so he couldn’t stitch it anyway!

This was my first accident in 31 years of surfing.

I’m going fishing tomorrow with one of my neighbours…

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