Outa Here!!

Tomorrow is Danelle’s big scrapbooking day… All day and then tomorrow night we have girls coming to sit in our lounge room and ‘scrap’.

While the scrappers do their thing I think I might head out and do a bit of study.

This year I’m teaching a course for ACOM on biblical ethics and values, a course I have never taught before and (truth be told) feel a bit out of my depth with. I nearly backed out, but the more I thought about it the more I like the thought of actually learning it again and then teaching it. Its stuff that I love exploring so I don’t think it’ll be ‘hard’ work, so much as enjoyable work.

So tomorrow while the scrappers do their thing I’ll be heading down to Leederville where the new Trinity college have their library to do some study in the area of ethics. I figure if I can get a number of ethical frameworks clear in my head then we can discuss issues within those frames and explore different conclusions.

With no teaching this year I am looking forward to having more time for study and reading. I like the Leederville area as I can get there and back by train for a measly $3.00 and its got some great cafes!

If you’re down that way today then give me a call – I’d love to have lunch with someone.

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