is looking to run a very creative and challenging forum looking at Future Church.
The deal is that 16 people prepare 500 word papers on 8 key questions – for each question there is a person who will come from one angle and a person who will from a very different angle (not necessarily opposing viewpoints).
The group who rock in on the morning will decide which 3 topics recieve highest priority for the day and these get discussed. The rest are left – although the papers get distributed.
So far the topics on the day look like being :
What is Church?
Finance and Stewardship of Resources
Success and how it’s measured
Appropriate forums to effect change
Leadership and its many expressions
Incarnational / attractional mission
Does ‘ future church ‘ include Youth/Kids ministry?
Discipleship – The Jesus Way
There are quite a few there I have some interest in so I’m going to make it a priority to be there on the day. I’ll be writing on one of the topics, but not sure exactly what just yet. As I was chatting with Scott today and he read me the list of topics and people he hoped to have speaking to them I told him he was starting to sound like a fight promoter. These are contentious issues in a lot of places. Scott actually said he was seeing it as an opportunity to promote unity as we listen to each other and understand each other.
There aren’t many people who could pull this kind of gig off but Scott is one of them. I like the idea and the courage to bring so many differing opinions together to listen and debate.
If you’re interested then let Scott know. The details are:
Tue 16th August
10am – 3.30pm Located at South Perth Church of Christ
Cost $5 ( to cover light lunch )