Putting it Out There

Well done OI for a fantastic night last night!

These guys really are one of the greatest organisations I have ever come across. In the last 10 years they have created 2.4 million jobs in third world countries thru the establishment of trust banks (small local banks that make loans to local people so they can start small businesses). They report that 98% of loans are repaid on time”

Their founder – David Bussau was named Australian entrepreneur of the year last year for his services to the world.

The night itself reflected a commitment to quality. The venue was great, the food was excellent and the wine was even good quality! I have to confess that despote the $60.00/head price tag, I came with lower expectations. When Campolo did his thing they didn’t back off on asking for the dough either.

It was a fundraising night and they were bold enough to ask us if we would give $10K to start a trust bank in a third world country.

Campolo used the line ‘to whom much is given much is expected’ and didn’t hold back. I appreciated the forthrightness of the appeal. I felt significantly challenged and Danelle and I will pray thru what to do.

But if they had never asked so boldly I doubt we would have considered so boldly”

Something in that hey?

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