Real Life

Holiday world is great but sooner or later you have to come back to real life.

I am hitting the ground slowly.

The time away consisted of 5 days of holiday followed by 6 days of work and then another 5 of holiday. It was nice, but if you live in WA you’d know its been one of the coldest starts to summer we have had in a looong time.

Unfortunately for us we were in Albany during the cold patch – one of the southern most parts of WA – and it was like winter almost every day. Warm clothes, icy winds and grey skies were the order of the day just about every day. The temperature averaged 20, but the wind chill factor was much higher, which made going outside a little less appealing.

It meant I did a fair bit more reading than I had hoped to, but nowhere near as much getting out in the ocean.

Now its back to ‘real life’ again… people to see and things to do… It takes a while for the brain to adjust to the different pace.

On a positive note I reckon the Mindarie Boat Ramp is about a week away from re-opening! Yeeha! At last we’ll be able to get back out in the water locally.ghost ship download free

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