While we were away this week the kids had a little bit of money to spend and 5 year old Sam decided to buy himself some ‘sea monkeys american swing download free
‘. I remember sea monkeys from when I was a kid. They used to advertise them in the Archie comics and I was always intriiged as to how they got monkeys into a packet… I had a suspicion that they weren’t really monkeys… but I was a kid…
Anyway Sam’s sea monkeys (read brine shrimp) ‘hatched’ while we were in Busselton and we carefully brought them home taking care not to spill any water. Sam was pretty excited about the little critters, however in his delight he kept carrying them around to show everyone so it was with no great surprise that 10 minutes after getting home he was howling like a wild dog because he had dropped them in his bedroom and now they were dead. He was pretty heart-broken because his ‘pets’ had died.
I thought I was never going to see a ‘sea monkey’, but caring sister Ellie decided that because she had earnt so much money lately she was going to buy Sam some new monkeys. Elilie drops ‘Brighton Reticulation’ flyers in letter boxes with me and I pay her $3.00 for coming with me then a commission for every job I get. $1.00 /quote, $2.00 / small job and $5.00/ big job. She has started paying attention each time the phone rings!
It was a really lovely display of sisterly love, from a little girl who already counts her coins daily. So the new monkeys are waiting to hatch, Sam is happy and Ellie has experienced that joy of ‘giving being greater than receiving’. I imagine all will sleep well tonight…
Sadly, I too read Archie comics – the ‘Christianised’ versions too!
However the sea monkeys didn’t interest me as much as the x-ray glasses.
ah yes – i remember them!!
how i wished they were true…
this story made me smile it was very cute and sweet – i miss having wee ones because of moments like this – hope you found hidden blessings in your holiday!