Seventh Day Adventists on the Move in WA

Over the last couple of years its has been great to get to know Glenn Townend the new (ish) leader of the movement. Glenn came to West Oz from Victoria with plans of planting churches and has actually made it happen!

Many people talk about it, plan for it but don’t actually do it. Glenn is also very open to diversity and variety recognising that we won’t connect with everyone using a ‘one size fits all’ approach.

It was refreshing and encouraging to meet with Glenn and Phil Brown today to discuss the partnership we (Forge WA) will be establishing with them. These guys are fantastic thinkers and actually get on with the job. I like it – almost made me want to become an SDA!

While we’re on SDA’s Peter Roennfeldt has a new blog up and running. Peter is right in the know on church planting and diverse expressions of church, so if you want to know what’s happening around the world drop in and check it out. The other Adventist blog that I have noticed recently is here and relates to the emerging missional church scene.

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