Sitting Wondering and Wandering

Next week its my job at our gathering to teach from John ch 12 as part of our study in this book, so today I have been sitting with the chapter and pondering it, as I do when I’m trying to get a handle on it.

Its funny how some days you get a feel for the chapter straight up and then other days (like these) you just wonder ‘what on earth am I going to do with that?’ Usually its just a sign that I haven’t delved into it deep enough or reflected on it sufficiently to make sense of it.

But its a frustrating stage, because I tend to wander off from the passage and check facebook or write a blog post… or…

The two stages of ‘preaching’ I enjoy least are this stage and then the actual ‘writing it down’ stage. Getting the ideas and shaping them is fun, but getting there and then from there to doing it… can be hard work.

So far I don’t have any ideas even!

The funny thing is that it always works out in the end even if I don’t always know how I get to where I finish up. I am not highly methodical with my teaching and tend to dip and dive all over the place until something hits me and appears to be the focus.

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