
For the last three weeks we have been discussing James chapter 1 & 2 as well as listening to Mark Sayers give his talk on hyper-reality / consumerism. Over the three weeks some themes have emerged and we have taken a bit of time to delve into them.

Next week we are scheduled for James 3.


I don’t believe we have really come to grips with what we have been thinking on over the last three weeks. It stirred us, but I am not sure if we have acted on it, or if it has moved from our heads to our hearts and subsequently to some kind of implementation.

To move on now will only serve to make the last 3 weeks an academic exercise where we feel like we have lived as disciples because we have talked about issues of discipleship. I think this is what happened many time when I was preaching. Because I had said it, I assumed people would act on it. Most often I reckon people heard it, considered it, but maybe didn’t tussle with it enough to evoke heartfelt action. I reckon we rarely move from thought to action on difficult issues unless we have had time to really grapple with them and engage with others who will support us along the way.

So until we really come to grips with the questions we have been chewing around I reckon its time to pitch camp and challenge one another to ask what our action will look like. That can happen in a number of ways of course and I might reflect on what we do at some point.

One thing’s for sure. I am tired of allowing academic discipleship to exist in the church. I reckon its one downfall of the weekly Sunday sermon. New info every week eventually means that a whole heap of stuff goes thru to the keeper because we just can’t live out all that we hear. It is an information overload rather than a genuine learning experience.

Maybe we need one sermon a month and 3 weeks of deciding how we will live it out?

That works easily with a smaller group like us, but it might be hard on guys who have 150 people coming each week some of whom don’t actually want to live it out.

It could be a good way to sort the sheep from the goats? You can’t come and hide in the back row. You must engage with others and decide how you are going to live this stuff we are talking cauldron the movie watch confetti in divx

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