amazing grace dvd Tomorrow Danelle is spending the day running a creative memories workshop, which means I have the kids…
I have always felt there are two ways you could look at this situation – bummer its going to be a beautiful day and I can’t get out on the water because I’ve got the kids from 9-5… (and yes I do think that sometimes) or… fantastic, I’ve got a whole day to hang out with the two people I love being with more than anyone else (excepting you of course honey!)
Since I started seeing these days where I have the kids the whole time as opportunities to cut loose and have some fun I have actually really enjoyed the experience. So tomorrow…
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We might start with a sleep in – that’s the pre 9.00am bit!
Then we might head down to the local swap meet – I’ve got a few odds and ends I’ve been sniffing around for. The kids will love it – they get to buy something for themselves. Other people’s crap!… Still its cheaper than new crap.
From there we’ll head to Hilary’s boat harbour to Aqwa. They will absolutely love looking at all the fish.
Then we’ll go for a swim at the beach and have lunch down there.
Its should be 1.00ish by then and we’ll need to head home so fatboy can have his afternoon snooze (no that’s not me…)
Ellie will watch a video and I’ll maybe doze off for while.
By the time all that is over and done it’ll be almost time for dinner!
Another fun day with two beautiful kids.