
I’m baaacckk!

Ok – so I didn’t write anything for a week… and it actually wasn’t that hard. So much sleeping and eating and beaching to do!

I won’t bore you with holiday details but here is a brief overview of my life for the last week:

* Kids were with us for the first four days – I love them – but the next three days (minus kids) were veerrry nice too!

* I was pretty depressed for the first two days – for no apparent reason. I went out on Monday afternoon and had a chat with myself, told myself to snap out of it and then came home and watched Jackass with Mase. I needed a good laugh. But seriously I’m not sure what happened – just felt like crap for a while…

* Cafe Pronto is excellent! If you are ever in Mandurah then this place rocks. Great food and service. Its on the corner near the old bridge. I had a seafood pizza the first night and then an ‘Olay’ (steak in garlic & chilli) the next – beeudiful.

* We saw Love Actually. It was great – loved the variety of storylines and the whole way it was put together. Don’t under-estimate it… I’m thinking if I was single I’d be off to America…

* Caught up with TazDaz the Tasmanian Forge director and his family/friends for lunch. I had chocolate fudge cake for lunch.

* Didn’t surf… that really sucked.

* Read part of ‘Intro to Ecclesiology’ and re-read Liquid Church

* Watched the cricket – a lot…

* Tonight is a ‘school re-union’ for 5 or 6 of us. It should be good to catch up with some of the crew again. I never stayed in touch with anyone so I’m not sure how I made the invite list (of only 8 or 9) but I’m happy I did.

There’s heaps more, but I don’t really care to write it so I’m guessing you could care less reading it!

Now its back to real life – work…

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