The New Conspirators… in Perth

Over Easter I was reading Tom Sines latest book The New Conspirators and loving it.

The good news is that Tom is in Perth this week, staying with Jarrod and the Peacetree crew and doing a few gigs around the place. The pics below give an idea of what he’s up to.



Should be a great time!

5 thoughts on “The New Conspirators… in Perth

  1. I just got home from Sydney, having gone down yesterday to hear Tom speak on ‘confronting the powers’ last night. It was well worth the 8 hour round trip. If you can get to one of these events, do so!


  2. Tom Sine made me think. I went in the evening. I was reminded of a time it seems ages ago when I cared. I was born again into such a conversation 20 or so years ago in a small Baptist Church in Roebourne. I have spent the better part of 15 years in pews where this conversation did not occur. I forgot I cared…in doing all the ‘stuff’ I forgot why I started. Yep its all coming back, nice Anzac Day pastime. Was good stuff. Reading the book, and researching the vegie patch. Sleep not!

    Nice to meet Jarrod and catch up with Packer. this is worthy of the ponder also.


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