‘Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pigs like it’
Much as it goes against this quote that I generally try to live by I’ve been doing a bit of pig wrestling lately and am feeling a bit grubby.
Waddya do hey?
If only life were simple…
Still I think it’s a great quote!
free babylon 5 the river of souls
yep. yep yep yep (trying to sound like Al from Happy days)
Hah… I’ve never come across that one before – I like it a lot! Reminds me to check myself before I start arguing the toss with someone who’s not playing the same game as me! (Happens a bit in my line of work!)
Hey Vaws… ‘Aayyee’ (Arthur Fonzarelli)
I’ve never heard that one! It must be a variation of “Never teach a ping to sing: It wastes your time and it annoys the pig.” But your quote probably has more real-life applications…
I like that one too Jon!
I;ve wrestled a couple of pigs lately. They definitely like it. Disceernment is needed to recognise the righteous dirt from the unholy stench.