We leave this coming Sunday or Monday (depending on how prepared we are on Sunday) and begin the journey around Oz.
At this stage it is a 6 month trip with plans to be back around early November, however our return is contingent on the Quinns Baptist Church inviting us back. There will be an official church meeting late June to ‘vote’ on us as leaders and we will know from there if need to make plans for November. At this stage I think there are more who want us to stay than want us to go, but there are a number who do not resonate with our way of thinking and will probably vote against us – so nothing is certain.
As we began the journey with QCBC we were very clear on who we are and also very clear that we are not negotiable on our core beliefs about church and mission. This has inspired a good number, but also worried others for whom our approach is unfamiliar and may even appear heretical.
We are very very ready to go…
At this stage we expect to have one overnight stop somewhere along the way before landing in Exmouth for 10 days. The new 7′ 2″ mini mal will get a work out there and hopefully we will just enjoy some peaceful, relaxing time. Its that period of the trip where we really want to veg and regather some strength. If we see you there don’t be offended if we don’t want to hang out…
From Exmouth we head to Port Hedland for the 1st-3rd of May to visit an Indian family we got to know here in Butler but who were shifted with their work. Given Port Hedland is the anus of the universe we don’t plan on staying too long, but it will be great to see them again.
We will spend 5 or 6 days at Barn Hill, a remote camping area just 100km south of Broome before heading into Broome between May 9-20. I have been given two preaching gigs at the Broome Baptist Church on May 10 & 17 and they will give us a house to live in for the time we are there. Nice deal I reckon and we’re looking forward to catching up with Mike & Heidi from our Upstream crew when we get there also.
From Broome it is all totally unpredictable. We will head thru Fitzroy Crossing where Danelle’s grandparents were missionaries and then up thru Kunnunrra and across to Darwin. We aren’t sure how long all this will take or how long we will hang around in the NT. Given there is no surf there it might be a short stop…
Seriously, I imagine we’ll take a week or two in NT as I haven’t been there before and it is a place we’d like to see. Danelle’s brother David is living in Tennant Creek now so he will be one of the people we will catch up with.
The rest of the trip will get made up as we go. We are looking forward to some fun family time, catching up with old friends and simply ‘being who we are’ as we travel.
I will be continuing to blog as long as we have internet access but I also have a novel brewing that I would like to get written while we travel. I’m not sure just how realistic that is, as good writing requires serious energy and I don’t know how much I have to give…
Now all that remains is to fix the air con!…
Whatever you do, remain true to God’s vision for missions. Have a good trip!