Where are the results in experimental missional communities?

Coming up shortly will be an open forum for local West Ozzies who want to know just what is being achieved in experimental mission. I sent this email out today…


I’m sure you are aware that over the last few years there has been plenty of attention given to what is known as the ’emerging church’.

Some see it as the hope of the future, some as a heretical movement of disgruntled de-churched post-moderns, while others would argue that it is a complement to the ongoing work of the church in the west and a prophetic voice calling us back to core missionary principles.

No prizes for guessing which of those I lean towards!

However you see it the question that usually gets asked of us in the experimental / pioneering arena is ‘where are the runs on the board?’ or ‘where are the results of these missional experiments?’

These are fair questions and we would like to address them in an open forum where the Forge WA crew can share some their own experiences and those present can hear what is actually happening in experimental mission projects.

So this is my invite to you, to come and join us from 10-12 AM on September 21st at the Warehouse Café (Onslow Rd Shenton Park). FORGE WA will cover the expenses for the morning as we discuss together what is being achieved and what results we can point to.

I’m sure it will be a valuable time and I hope it will add to your understanding of how new missional communities are functioning. We expect that the format will allow for 4 or 5 leaders to share briefly (10 mins) how they answer the ‘runs on the board’ question, followed by brief interaction and then the remainder of the time will be open for dialogue.

We have sensed a need to hold a forum of this nature, but RSVPs are essential to let us know how best to structure the morning. If you could either respond to this email or call Kent Morgan at SU 94435055 by Sept 14th that would be great.


What will it achieve?…

Hopefully if nothing else we will hear each other and those asking the questions will know how we are answering them.

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