While Hamo’s Away…

May 15th 2003 was the day of my very first blog entry on what was then http://backyardmissionaries.blogspot.com The link takes you to the earliest stuff I could find courtesy of the wayback machine.

Since starting I have written pretty much continuously for the last 3 1/2 years and found blogging to be a practice that is enjoyable, challenging and also very addictive. I have always been a very ‘average’ journaller but a blog is so much easier because it is mostly idea based rather than feeling based. (I am an INTJ!)

This little blog has grown to quite a substantial readership since the humble blogger days. In fact if it were a church, then based on the ‘weekly attendance’ it might even be considered a mega-church!

How ironic…

The original intent of ‘backyardmissionary’ was to provide a way for those in our home church (Lesmurdie Baptist) to keep in touch with what we were doing in Brighton, but since then it has morphed into a collection of my thoughts on mission and church as well as personal life stories and general silliness.

But… I’m feeling its time to stop writing for a short time and take a break.

As of Tuesday I’m on holidays for two weeks and I have decided to put the keyboard down and take a blog-break until we return on Oct 10th. I don’t always do that, because blogging is a fun thing for me, but I have been feeling lately like I need a rest from it.

However… and this is where the fun starts… I have asked my good friend, fellow Brighton resident and coffee connoisseur ‘Grendel‘ if he would like to take up the reins for a couple of weeks and offer his own insights on here.

Without giving too much away I will say that Grendel sees the world from a somewhat different perspective to myself… and for that reason I imagine it will be very interesting having him write on here.

I am sure he will offer some interesting, provocative and challenging discussion. so make sure you drop in and join in on conversation that will have a different flavour.

I might even stop by and make a comment or two…

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